
Maple, a sheep character with wings, sitting down and smiling towards the viewer.

Hello there! Welcome to my site. This is my little home on the web, a collection of my thoughts and creations. Take a look around and enjoy your stay!

You can make your way around by using the navigation below, or find out what's new by checking the most recent updates. This site should be compatible on both desktop and mobile.

Artwork: cyberamicpuppy
Song: Café Petrov - nintendogs + cats


About - Webmaster profile, site info, and contact.
Blog - Blog for assorted thoughts and life updates.
Links - Outlinks, bookmarks, site buttons, and credits.


June 20 2024 - New blog entry about some paw gloves I got myself. I also show off some of my artwork here and talk about Art Fight!

June 12 2024 - Created the blog page and wrote up the first entry! I talk about the development and plans of the site here, as well as my birthday that was on the 10th.

May 26 2024 - Added bookmarks to the links page! This includes links to other sites with information about them, site buttons, and some of my favourite videos.

May 25 2024 - Started rebuilding the site! Created the index, about, links, and 404 pages. I'm excited to begin making this place my own all over again!